Ex-Olympian and BC native Martin Reader recently interviewed national team beach player and former Vancouver Open champion Jamie Broder (Vancouver, BC) who had a very successful 2013 season on the FIVB World Tour. Read on to hear more from Jamie! Interview courtesy of www.strivelife.ca
Martin Reader interviewing:
It is my pleasure to introduce to you Team Canada Beach Volleyball athlete and aspiring Olympian Jamie Broder. I have known Jamie since she was 15 years old and I have always had a sweet spot for her. Her story is relevant because she is one of the hardest and most focused workers I have ever come across and I would take advice from her over many other top athletes around the world. Dedicated to achieving her goals, Jamie has overcome all kinds of adversity within sport to become an outstanding leader, outspoken ambassador and world class athlete. Without further or due, I present to you our first Feature Friday Q&A with Jamie Broder (Follow her on twitter at @JamieBroder)
Q & A:
What is the most important piece to your morning routine?
The morning of every competition day I like to wake up around 3 hours before game time for some activation. I will head outside and go for a short run with some stretching and yoga poses to wake the body up. This allows me to get a feel for how my muscles are doing and if there are any minor aches and pains that may need extra attention during warm up. After about 15-20 mins I head in and fuel up with breakfast.
If you were able to give your younger self advice, what would it be?
Pay more attention to recovery post work-out and practice in the way of nutrition. Fuelling your body with the right things at the right times can make such a huge difference to how you feel and to your performance. Also to hydrate even more. I used to get muscle cramps at the end of tournaments after playing 5-6 matches a day, and although I thought I was hydrating enough with electrolytes and water – the proof was in the fact that I would cramp! Learning from experience, I haven’t had any cramping now in over 4 years! (knock on wood…)
Fun, embarrassing or hilarious learning experience while on the road…
Always, always, always pack extra clothing in your carry-on luggage. On our most recent European adventure, Kristina and I lost our luggage en route to London England, and didn’t get it back for 5 days. We were heading there post FIVB Grand Slam in Rome for a week of training, and didn’t think it would be misplaced on such a short journey. Due to our training/travel schedule, it wasn’t until day 3 that we had a chance to buy some clothes and essentials. Living/training/travelling in the same clothing for 3 days in a row gets old pretty fast….and smelly.
Who is your unsung hero and why?
That would have to be my Mom. When you are young it can be hard to see your parents beyond their roles as Mom or Dad, but as I grow older I’ve begun to truly appreciate what an amazing woman my Mother is. She has always remained a constant source of support and inspiration for me throughout my athletic career, sending me quotes or articles when I’m on the road at just the right time to give me a boost. She also continues to be on top of health and nutrition information, often informing me of the latest and greatest recipes before anyone else!
What is your personal definition of the word Strive?
As a competitive athlete there are very few things that I have control over during competition, including the weather, the referee or my opponent. What I do have control over is how I prepare myself to compete. To me, Strive means hard work, dedication and not backing down from any challenge. If I don’t push myself to be the best athlete and person I can be, no one else is going to do it for me.
What motivates you to Strive in your life?
Belief. Oddly enough, being the underdog in the beach volleyball world most of my life has fed my true competitive nature to want to battle and prove myself worthy. There is nothing that frustrates me more than someone telling me I can’t do something, and each obstacle I face only adds to my fiery determination and spirit.
What are you currently Striving towards?
Representing Canada at the 2015 Pan Am Games in Toronto and winning a medal at the 2016 Olympic Games in Rio.