What is a Volleyball Referees’ Clinic?
The Junior and Local referees clinic is designed for students, teachers, players, coaches and parents interested in Refereeing junior high school matches and introductory tournaments. This is an ideal way to begin your refereeing career by Refereeing U12/16 Volleyball during the club season. We have now reduced our minimum age to 14 years old so come get involved!
The clinic consists of 2 components: Theory session & Practical Evaluation
Theory Session (6-8 hours)
• Minimum number of participants: 9
• The theory session can be one day or can be spread over 2-4 evenings.
Practical Evaluation
• Observation and critiquing will be provided while candidates perform all roles of refereeing in a match/tournament situation.
• The practical session will take place at a tournament usually run by the clinic host.
Emphasis at the clinics:
• Technical and human skill required
• Knowledge, interpretation and application of all rules
• Use of referees’ equipment and working tools
- Use of the official Volleyball Canada Score sheet
• Operating procedures and mechanisms of refereeing
• Game procedures and protocol
Candidates should expect to write a closed book exam on the rules during the practical clinic.
Hosting a Clinic
If you are interested in Hosting a Level 1 referees clinic please see the requirements below:
Clinic Materials and Requirements
What will Volleyball BC provide?
• Fully qualified clinician(s)
• Theory and practical critiques
• Clinic manuals
• Supervised exams for candidates
What will hosts provide?
• A minimum of 9 candidates; classroom with an overhead projector, markers, and a blackboard.
• Collection of all clinic fees and payment made to Volleyball BC upon completion of the clinic.
• Volleyball court set up in a gym during the theory portion of the clinic.
• Appropriate tournament, league or play day practice in order to evaluate the candidates at the proper certification level. It is recommended to have the practical evaluation not more than one week after the theory session.
Host Costs
Hosts cover the following costs, or increase the participant fee:
Practical Evaluator:
1 evaluator for 2 courts side by side $20/hour
for each additional evaluator needed $20/hour
Clinic - Cost & What to Bring
Clinic Costs for Participants
$50 / candidate includes: Theory Session, Practical Session and Clinic Manual
Optional: 2019/2020 Rule Book (order online: http://store.volleyball.ca/) Some rule books may be available at HJSC. Please contact referee@volleyballbc.org to inquire
The cost is based on a minimum of 9 participants. If fewer than 9 participants are registered the cost will likely increase/participant.
Once you have passed:
VBC Registration (“Junior” under 19 years old $31.00 and “Local” over 19 years old $71.00 plus GST)
Badge: $15 – only for purchase once you pass exam and evaluation
What should candidates bring?
To the Theory Session: pen/pencil, note paper, whistle, manual, (if provided in advance).
To the Practical Session: uniform [navy golf style shirt, navy blue pants (not jeans), running shoes], referee’s whistle, pen/pencil, coin
Levels of Success
Junior: Good scorekeeper, lines person; beginning referee and umpire for junior high school. This is the same as the Local rating but for ages 18 and under. (Must score 80% or higher on the written exam).
Local: Good scorekeeper, lines person, good referee and umpire for junior high school; beginning referee and umpire for senior high school. (Must score 80% or higher on the written exam)
Local badges will only be awarded to successful candidates upon completion of both theory and practical sessions, and registration with VBC. The cost for a local badge is $15.
For more information on referees programs, contact Glenn Wheatley – referee@volleyballbc.org or 604-880-9323