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Registration opens November 6

This skills clinic takes place on Sunday evenings from 6:30-8:30 PM at the Harry Jerome Sports Centre in Burnaby.  It is open to all beginner and recreational volleyball players, including those with no volleyball experience.  Coaches will assess participants on the first day to ensure you are in the correct training group.

The six major skills (serving, forearm passing, setting, hitting, blocking, and digging) will be introduced and game play will wrap up each session.

Dates: January 10, 17, 24, 31; February 7, 21, 28; March 7, 14


Cost: $330+ GST per person.

Volleyball BC is launching a new registration system with the help of Sportlomo.com.

If you experience any difficulties during the registration process, please contact SportLomo help at Support@sportlomo.com

To register in the event, click HERE to create an account.

After creating your account and logging into the system, you will see the event(s) available for purchase. Select “Burnaby Beginner Clinic – WINTER 2021”.

Follow the steps to register and submit payment.

More information about the clinic will be sent out to participants closer to the start date.

For other information, please contact the Adult Program Manager at adult@volleyballbc.org